Financial Summary - Fondul National De Garantare A Creditelor Pentru I
Unique identification code: 14367083
Registration number: J40/10581/2001
Nace: 6492
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Fondul National De Garantare A Creditelor Pentru I - Unique Identification Number 14367083: - euro, registering a net profit of 197.636.159 euro and having an average number of - employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Alte activitati de creditare having the NACE code 6492.

Indicatori Financiari Alte Tipuri Juridice - INSTITUTII FINANCIARE NONBANCARE

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492 6492
Casa, si alte valori 4.643 1.590 3.815 2.416 3.753 6.215 4.695 2.180 9.458 -
Numerar, depozite la vedere la institutiile de credit si alte valori - - - - - - - - - 3.262
Datorii financiare evaluate la cost amortizat - - - - - - - - - 650.825.590
Provizioane 119.323.752 150.670.532 127.216.928 118.217.147 120.923.010 88.105.640 61.519.655 49.865.741 31.404.332 45.456.658
Datorii subordonate 422.512.555 434.197.705 365.981.910 465.981.910 471.381.910 481.381.910 481.381.910 480.124.883 480.124.883 -
Capital social - - - - - - - - - 940.793.500
Capital social subscris 931.292.300 931.292.300 931.292.300 931.292.300 931.292.300 931.292.300 940.507.600 940.507.600 940.507.600 -
Rezultatul reportat - - - - - - - - - -9.841.850
Rezerve 28.445.706 32.493.463 38.745.283 16.362.979 22.488.837 29.561.054 41.011.315 54.385.946 72.533.563 -
Alte Rezerve - - - - - - - - - 99.089.260
Rezultatul activitãtii curente - Profit 11.537.666 16.557.709 40.733.524 66.167.729 51.757.740 84.098.386 107.728.156 119.693.963 207.666.742 -
Profit sau (-) pierdere aferent(a) exercitiului - - - - - - - - - 197.636.159
Venituri totale 364.274.992 263.111.051 299.090.479 304.757.201 293.093.233 313.144.216 251.845.466 320.137.237 311.342.979 -
Profit sau (-) pierdere din operaþiuni continue înainte de impozitare - - - - - - - - - 235.315.142
Creante asupra institutiilor de credit 1.070.494.263 1.121.597.956 1.051.450.077 1.150.536.903 1.077.822.789 1.015.399.559 654.844.423 856.801.094 1.848.147.007 -
Cheltuieli totale 352.737.326 246.553.342 258.356.955 238.589.472 241.335.494 229.045.830 144.117.310 200.443.274 103.676.237 -
Profit sau (-) pierdere din operaþiuni continue dupã impozitare - - - - - - - - - 197.636.159
Rezultatul brut - Profit 11.537.666 16.557.709 40.733.524 66.167.729 51.757.739 84.098.386 107.728.156 119.693.963 207.666.742 -
Profit sau (-) pierdere aferent/ã exerciþiului - - - - - - - - - 197.636.159
Rezultatul net al exercitiului financiar - Profit 11.537.666 9.730.944 35.614.083 50.160.111 46.121.497 80.548.449 96.505.435 102.650.795 180.017.743 -
Creante asupra clientelei 28.363.185 16.514.439 16.935.843 18.120.470 14.455.126 17.001.434 18.046.125 12.099.907 7.055.469 -
Obligatiuni si alte titluri cu venit fix 398.233.343 432.679.910 431.677.102 425.616.719 506.771.171 621.978.316 913.838.317 58.749.100 -
Active financiare evaluate la cost amortizat - - - - - - - - - 2.198.880.291
Pãrti în cadrul societãtilor comerciale legate 42.143.600 31.804.103 31.804.103 31.804.103 15.476.703 15.476.703 3.742.703 3.742.703 3.742.703 -
Investiþii in filiale, asocieri in participatie si entitati asociate - - - - - - - - - 3.742.703
Imobilizãri corporale 416.823 614.818 452.540 404.314 639.555 407.581 475.096 1.269.087 1.272.635 4.551.863
Imobilizãri necorporale 274.257 456.120 364.120 422.545 383.730 207.553 148.183 65.338 222.421 183.386

Check the financial reports for the company - Fondul National De Garantare A Creditelor Pentru I

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Probabilitate de insolventa

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Fondul National De Garantare A...

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Rapoarte financiare

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Fondul National De Garantare A...

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